134 et 138 rue Belleville
33 000 Bordeaux - France

+33 (0)7 44 09 17 87

Villa Erizio, All rights reserved

Pey-Berland Market

Facing the Palais Rohan, at the foot of the imposing Saint André cathedral, the Pey Berland market takes up the tradition of the old markets set up next to churches and brings together food and non-food traders. By going to this market, you can fill your shopping bag in a magnificent historic space, to the sound of bells and the accordion. This market has a dozen food traders (cheese maker, oyster or vegetable sellers, etc.)
Wednesday and Sunday from 7 a.m. to 1 p.m.
Marché Pey-Berland - Place Pey Berland - 33000 Bordeaux