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Is It OK If You’re Dating Your Best Friends Ex?

This often pinning up can make your partner insecure and plant seeds of doubt and misunderstandings. This has the potential to not only disbalance your new fresh start with this relationship, but also mess up their friendship. It is thus important to be careful about what you say and how you say it. It really depends on the people involved in the situation — you have to take each individual’s feelings into consideration.

You’ll need a complete picture of the situation, so you can forgive all the parties involved and be free of any pain or suffering. The second step is reflecting on whys and whats of the situation. You have the facts, but I’m sure you still have questions at this point that you need answered. Avoid venues and situations where either one will be present.

There’s a lot of history there, both between you and them and the two of them. You know things that you should keep to yourself because you’re going to lose one or both of them if you reveal secrets. Your new partner will also require a significant amount of your time, and it will be difficult to balance these relationships without talking regularly to your friend and partner. Your friend’s feelings aren’t the only ones that could get hurt.

Take some time apart to pursue your own interests and to make sure that you get the chance to miss each other. This will make you appreciate each other even more while reducing the risk of becoming annoying to each other. John Keegan is a dating coach and motivational speaker based in New York City. He runs The Awakened Lifestyle, where he uses his expertise in dating, attraction, and social dynamics to help people find love. He teaches and holds dating workshops internationally, from Los Angeles to London and from Rio de Janeiro to Prague.

If they split up by mutual decision then it should be fine and if a friendship is "ruined" because of that then he was a goddamn bitch. If she completely backstabbed him, okay, understandable, but if that didn't happen and they had reasons to break off then I see no reason to start a new relationship. If you’re interested in dating your ex’s best friend, or you're already dating them, this article will help you to navigate the situation smoothly. Just be prepared, this isn't an easy thing to be involved in, but as long as you’re certain that dating the friend of your ex is what you want, then go for it. At the end of the day, if they want to start dating your ex, there’s not much you can do. Although most people think that it’s unacceptable to date an ex’s best friend, you fall for who you fall for - sometimes things just happen!

Dating your friend’s ex means risking your friendship regardless of all other factors, and you must be aware of that. You should also think about how other friends are going to react because this might affect your entire social circle. There are other considerations you’ll need to make before dating your friend’s ex, and we’ve broken them down into the Do’s and Don’ts so that everything is crystal clear. I don't want to give you any hope because it honestly isn't the best idea, but this is how me and my boyfriend got together. He knew I was Mormon and dated me anyways, but also dated me knowing I had one foot out the door anyways. Please keep the rules of r/dating_advice in mind while participating here.

Couples need time apart and girls need some special girl time! Avoiding your friends and leaving your friendships behind might leave you all alone when your relationship is going through a rough patch. One of the most important Girl Code Book rules is " Thou shall not date a friend’s boyfriend/ex." It is one of the biggest sins a girl can commit according to the Girl Code. Your friend might still have feelings for her ex and the last thing she wants is her best friend going after her leftovers. Think about it; there are so many fish in the sea and for some odd reason you choose your friend’s ex?

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If it was the ex of someone I might know in passing but don’t really have a real friendship with, then I probably would. Ew, that sounds like this resentment could only get worse. Et’s say you’ve dated a guy, and maybe it wasn’t a super serious relationship, and your friend connects with him on a really deep level — I’ve seen it happen,” Brooke told us.

It might seem trivial, but dating a friend’s ex-partner can push you right out of your social group, leaving you to feel alienated and lonely. Yes you may have had a really great friend in high school or college but over the years you lost touch. Their ex may be an option depending on how you met them. However if you’re still hanging often with the friend and this person will be reintroduced to the same circle, it might not be worth the uncomfortable times that lie ahead with everyone involved. No matter the stance, the dating pool is full of options, but there is bound to be some overlap.

Things To Bear In Mind When You Are Dating Your Ex's Best Friend

It's not cool to go out with someone who rejected your friend. "If there wasn't enough interest or a spark, your friends should have a fair crack at him, too." Wrote one respondent. You'll be shocked and appalled — you won't try to one-up her with a story of your worst first date, not now. When she shows you pictures of her date on Facebook, you will remark that you're surprised the image didn't break the computer screen. If the date went well, really well, your effusiveness should know no bounds. You are thrilled for her, you can't believe how romantic it sounds, you hope she'll consider an autumn wedding because you look really good in cranberry.

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Even if he didn’t consider how it would impact your feelings, he still allowed his own wants to trump yours. To be classified as a best friend, he has to have your best interests in mind. He should be prioritizing your recovery, not making your recovery harder. Betrayal is one of the most painful human experiences, because it undermines our sense of what reality really is. When she and I were together, they always got along really well, and it occasionally occurred to me that they would be a better couple than she and I were. You don't fuck your best friends ex unless he died.

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Still, you’ll have to deal with occasional jealousy, and it might even upset you when your partner mentions your friend. While you should have open and honest communication in both your relationship and your friendship, always try EMEhive to keep them separate from each other. Doing otherwise can lead to messy, awkward, and uncomfortable situations. This is why it’s best not to talk to your friend about your new partner or to your new partner about your friend.

If any topic related to your ex is coming up during a conversation, don’t avoid talking about it. Believe me, it’ll help to strengthen your relationship. But obviously, you shouldn’t initiate any conversation about your ex and avoid talking about your past all the time. If your partner is doing so, a clear conversation is the ultimate way out.

Essentially, as long as you act in a respectful, honest, and mature manner, there shouldn’t be too many complications and hurt feelings. Most people tend to think that it’s completely unacceptable to date a friend’s ex. Whether you want to call it ‘bro code’ or ‘girl code’, most friends have an unwritten and typically unspoken rule that they will never date each other’s exes. However, as most of us know, life rarely goes as planned.